Over 2021 we lost 4 of our board members, most leaving Malaysia and heading to pastures greener. Although it was a big hit to loose so many in such a short period of time, we feel blessed that 4 members have stepped into the breach and have been elected and legally confirmed to their positions on the board from January 2022. They bring diversity of background, gender, ideas and new energy to the board. Our new directors include Rob van Harren (Dutchman & Director of Leviat SEA & India, a subsidiary of CRH), Jayanthi Theverajah (Malaysian Citizen and Head of Education, Asean Region, Enterprise Ireland), Jasmine Cheung (PR specialist and Co-Founder of Estilo Media) and Donal Crotty ( Executive coach and Chair with Vistage Malaysia). Donal has also been elected are our new Chairman of ICCM along with his role as General Manager. Michael Garvey, our previous chairman, has stepped down but is remaining as a board member. We offer sincere thanks to Michael for all his commitment and work over these difficult Covid years. For more details, check out our board members page https://www.iccm.com.my/board-members/